Saturday, April 12, 2008


Major progress has been made on the food front! My brilliant mother found an almost new food dehydrator for $7. This should keep us stocked with veggies and fruits from various family gardens that won't weigh us down or cost an arm and a leg.

In related news, I'm trying to gain weight. This is on the advice of Maggie, AT vet that I met. I was doing good being sedentary in BA and eating lots of gellato. These days I am running and hiking and there is only one gellato place and it's far and sort of expensive. I'm not sure how to advance my weight-gaining goals. I guess I'm making extra muscle, which can't be bad to have around- but I was hoping to have some fat to burn, too.

1 comment:

maria said...

you can have my extra weight, lizzy!