Sunday, April 20, 2008

Food dehydrator

Just discovered that mum in ABQ has one. She's used it for cherries, grapes/raisins, bananas, tomatoes with varying success. I don't know about veggies, but we can certainly experiment. Lizzy, if you have directions/recipes suggestions, I can have her try it out for us!

Just FYI, y'all can start filling in your individual gear below Devon's and mine on the gear list. I am excited about this and about hearing what y'all are thinking/obtaining.

Checking out for a week of silent retreat. (hallelujah) -maria

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Major progress has been made on the food front! My brilliant mother found an almost new food dehydrator for $7. This should keep us stocked with veggies and fruits from various family gardens that won't weigh us down or cost an arm and a leg.

In related news, I'm trying to gain weight. This is on the advice of Maggie, AT vet that I met. I was doing good being sedentary in BA and eating lots of gellato. These days I am running and hiking and there is only one gellato place and it's far and sort of expensive. I'm not sure how to advance my weight-gaining goals. I guess I'm making extra muscle, which can't be bad to have around- but I was hoping to have some fat to burn, too.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Devo Turns Type A

It's amazing how organized I can be when I'm procrastinating. My room is always cleanest during finals week. Anyway, here's the link for the Google Doc with the planning needs for the next four months!!

AT Planning Tasks